
Bannerlord BLT config with iPlatinumSouledi

Table of Contents



Reward Type

Reward Tier


Reward Type

Reward Tier


Reward Type

Reward Tier


Reward Type

Reward Tier

Channel Point Rewards


Reward Type

Reward Tier



i Like Knifes






Mallet Man




Horse archer

Spitting Camel

Giant Cavalry

Looter Stole a Horse



Common Config





Kill Rewards

Battle End Rewards

Kill Streaks


Tournament Config




Round Type

Round Rewards


Reward Type

Reward Tier



Command Description Settings
100k donation
ach Show the heroes achievements and tracked stats.

Shows: Achievements, Tracked stats

auction Start an auction on a custom item you own, with a specified reserve price. Other viewers are able to bid upon your item, and the highest bidder will receive it at the end of the auction.
Usage is !auction (reserve price) (part of the item name), e.g. !auction 50000 Boots would start a new auction for your custom item with the word "Boots" in it, with a reserve of 50000. If more than one item has "Boots" in it, the command will be rejected. The partial name must match exactly one item.
bid Place a bid on the current auction, if one is active.
Usage is !bid (gold amount), e.g. !bid 100000. If there is no auction, or the bid doesn't exceed the reserve price, it will be rejected.
BLTbet Use this to bet on tournament matches, when available.
Usage is !bltbet (team) (gold), for example !bltbet red 10000 to bet 10000 gold on red. Winnings are divided up from the whole pot, based on relative bet size.
If only one team is bet upon, the bets will be refunded.



Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Item specification, as this is for smithing the CustomWeight should be kept at 1, and probably Tier6 only
class Selects a new class for your hero, updating your existing equipment to match the class requirements.
Usage is !class (new class name), e.g. !class archer.

Tier costs: 1=0⦷, 2=0⦷, 3=0⦷, 4=0⦷, 5=0⦷, 5=0⦷, 6=0⦷

Free if you do not already have a class

Updates equipment to match new class

discarditem Throw away one of your custom items.
Usage is !discarditem (part of the item name), e.g. !discarditem Boots would discard your custom item with the word "Boots" in it. If more than one item has "Boots" in it, the command will be rejected. The partial name must match exactly one item.
equip Upgrades your heroes equipment tier, replacing any existing equipment of lower tier, except for custom items. The cost depends on the tier you are trying to upgrade to.

Tier costs: 1=25000⦷, 2=75000⦷, 3=150000⦷, 4=275000⦷, 5=450000⦷, 5=450000⦷, 6=1200000⦷

Focus random focus 100k

Skills: Athletics

Focus points: 1

Cost: 1000000⦷

giveitem Give one of your custom items to another viewer.
Usage is !giveitem (viewer) (part of the item name), e.g. !giveitem C4alad0g Boots would give your custom item with the word "Boots" in it to the viewer called C4lad0g. If more than one item has "Boots" in it, the command will be rejected. The partial name must match exactly one item.
gold Show your heroes current gold.

Shows: Gold

inv Shows your heroes inventory, including equipment tier, full battle and civilian equipment lists, and all custom items in storage.

Shows: Gold, Equipment tier, Battle equipment inventory, Custom item storage

nameitem You can use this to name your custom items.
Usage is !nameitem (name), for example !nameitem Foehammer.
If you call !nameitem on its own it will tell you what item will be named next.
powers Shows your available powers

Shows: Powers

reequip Randomizes your equipment, at its current tier. It will not replace items that are higher than your current tier, or custom items. e.g. if you are equipment tier 3, but also have a tier 6 weapon won in a tournament, this command will not replace that weapon. Sometimes you will end up with some items not changing, particularly if there aren't many items of that type available at your current tier.

Re-rolls your equipment at your current tier

Tier costs: 1=0⦷, 2=0⦷, 3=0⦷, 4=0⦷, 5=0⦷, 5=0⦷, 6=0⦷

retinue Purchases new retinue troops, or upgrades existing ones to the next tier if you have reached the limit. Retinue will appear with you in battle when you summon, earning you money when they make kills. You can pass a number to the command to specify how many troops you want to buy or upgrade. By default it will do as many as you can afford.

Max retinue: 10

Tier costs: 1=25000⦷, 2=50000⦷, 3=150000⦷, 4=325000⦷, 5=450000⦷, 5=450000⦷, 6=600000⦷

Allowed: Same culture only, Elite troops

retinuelist Shows your current retinue troops.

Shows: Retinue unit list




Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Item specification, as this is for smithing the CustomWeight should be kept at 1, and probably Tier6 only



Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Item specification, as this is for smithing the CustomWeight should be kept at 1, and probably Tier6 only



Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Item specification, as this is for smithing the CustomWeight should be kept at 1, and probably Tier6 only
stats Shows your heroes general information, including clan, gold, location, HP, skills, attributes and retinue.

Shows: Gold, Age, Clan, Culture, Health, Skills greater than , Attributes, Retinue count and average tier

xp1h 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: One Handed

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xp2h 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Two Handed

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpathletics 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Athletics

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpbow 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Bow

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷


Skills: Engineering

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpLeadership 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Leadership

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpMedicine 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Medicine

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpMelee 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Melee

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpPole 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Polearm

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpriding 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Riding

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷


Skills: Scouting

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpSteward 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Steward

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpTactics 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Tactics

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpThrow 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Throwing

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

xpxbow 50k xp - 100k gold

Skills: Crossbow

XP: 50000

Costs: 100000⦷

Channel Point Rewards

Command Description Settings
10k gold Adds 10,000 gold to your adopted hero.

Amount: 10000⦷

Adopt a Culture Hero Get a hero in game with a specific culture. Almost all other actions require an adopted hero.

Allowed: Wanderer

Viewer selects culture

Starting Age Range: 18

Starting Gold: 0

Inheritance: 25% of gold spent on equipment and retinue, up to 2 custom items

Starting Skills:

Skill Level
All 70

Starting Equipment Tier: 1

Adopt a Hero Get a hero in game. Almost all other actions require an adopted hero.

Allowed: Wanderer

Starting Age Range: 18

Starting Gold: 0

Inheritance: 25% of gold spent on equipment and retinue, up to 2 custom items

Starting Skills:

Skill Level
Melee 70
Ranged 70
Athletics 70
Riding 70
One Handed 70
Two Handed 70
Polearm 70
Bow 70
Throwing 70
Crossbow 70
Support 70
Scouting 70
Trade 70
Steward 70
Medicine 70
Engineering 70
Personal 70
Crafting 70
Tactics 70
Tactics 70
Roguery 70
Charm 70
Leadership 70

Starting Equipment Tier: 1

Attack Use this when the streamer enters a battle, to spawn your adopted hero on the enemy side (along with your retinue).

Side: Enemy side

Allowed in: Field battle, Village battle, Siege battle

Daily Attribute point

Provide the attribute name (or part of it) when calling this

Amount: 1

Daily Gold Adds 100,000 gold to your adopted hero.

Amount: 100000⦷

Daily Smithed Item



Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Item specification, as this is for smithing the CustomWeight should be kept at 1, and probably Tier6 only
Daily Xp Add 100,000 XP to your adopted hero. The skill it is applied to will be randomly choosen, but influenced by your class and existing skills and equipment.

Skills: Automatic, based on class, equipment, and existing skills

XP: 100000

Give Player Gold Transfer 10,000 gold to the streamers character, from your hero.
Heal Hero Heals your hero over time. Only works in battle, when your hero is summoned.
Heal Streamer Heals the streamers character in battle, over time. Doesn't work on the campaign map.
Retire My Hero Use this if you no longer wish to play with your current hero. They will be marked as (retired), and you will then be able to adopt a new one. Inheritence rules apply the same to retirement as they do to death. You MUST enter yes at the prompt (exactly as written, in lower case) for the retirement to complete.
Send Message In Game Sends a message in the game. If you have a hero then it will also show them next to the message.
Summon Use this when the streamer enters a battle, to spawn your adopted hero on the streamers side (along with your retinue).

Side: Streamers side

Allowed in: Field battle, Village battle, Siege battle, Friendly mission, Hide-out

Tournament Join the tournament queue with your adopted hero. You can see the queue in the overlay. Each tournament can have up to 16 heroes in it, once it is full further heroes will remain in the queue for the next tournament.
Use Class Power Activate your class power on your hero, if you have one. The power will last for a limited period of time, indicated on the overlay.



Flama's sword and shield.

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
infantry Tier 1 Example infantry Tier 2 Example infantry Tier 3 Example infantry Tier 4 Example infantry Tier 5 Example infantry Tier 6 Example
Formation Infantry




Mogrian Iron Shield
Passive Power

Passive Power

Healthy I: 115% HP

Fleet Footed I: Max Speed Multiplier: 110%

Healthy II: 140% HP

Fleet Footed II: Max Speed Multiplier: 120%

Healthy III: 180% HP

Heavy Hitting III: 150.0% dmg

Healthy V : 260% HP

Active Power


[Fireblade I: Swing Speed Multiplier: 115% Melee: +25] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Retribution I: Reflect 10% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 7

[Fireblade II: Swing Speed Multiplier: 130% Melee: +50] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Fireblade III: Swing Speed Multiplier: 150% Melee: +100] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Crush Through I: 10% Unblockable / 15% Shatter Shield] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 7

[Fireblade IV: Swing Speed Multiplier: 170% Melee: +100] requires CLASS LEVEL 6

[Fireblade V: Swing Speed Multiplier: 200% Melee: +100] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

i Like Knifes


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
i Like Knifes Tier 1 Example i Like Knifes Tier 2 Example i Like Knifes Tier 3 Example i Like Knifes Tier 4 Example i Like Knifes Tier 5 Example i Like Knifes Tier 6 Example
Formation Infantry


Desert Dagger


Mogrian Iron Shield


Tribesman Throwing Daggers


Tribesman Throwing Daggers
Passive Power

Passive Power

Vampiric I: Absorb 1% of damage dealt as HP

Fleet Footed I: Max Speed Multiplier: 110%

Vampiric II: Absorb 3% of damage dealt as HP

Ignore Armor I: Ignore 10% Armor

Fireblade III: Swing Speed Multiplier: 150% Melee: +100

Ignore Armor III: Ignore 40% Armor

Ranger IV: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 180%

Vampiric III: Absorb 5% of damage dealt as HP

Fleet Footed V: Max Speed Multiplier: 165%

Ignore Armor III: Ignore 70% Armor

Fireblade V: Swing Speed Multiplier: 200% Melee: +100

Active Power

Death by 1000 cuts

[Explosive Projectiles I: AoE: 50dmg in 3m from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Shrug Off I: 10% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 3

[Explosive Projectiles II: AoE: 60dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3 TO 4

[Shrug Off III: 40% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 4 TO 7

[Explosive Projectiles IV: AoE: 80dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Heavy Hitting IV: 200.0% dmg] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Projectiles V: AoE: 100dmg in 5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7


like heavyarcher, but a xbow AND a 2h axe

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Heavycrossbow Tier 1 Example Heavycrossbow Tier 2 Example Heavycrossbow Tier 3 Example Heavycrossbow Tier 4 Example Heavycrossbow Tier 5 Example Heavycrossbow Tier 6 Example
Formation Ranged


Fine Crossbow


Light Bolts


Light Bolts


Rabblam Noble Two Handed Scimitar
Passive Power

Passive Power

Healthy I: 115% HP

Vampiric I: Absorb 1% of damage dealt as HP

Healthy II: 140% HP

Healthy III: 180% HP

Healthy IV: 220% HP

Vampiric II: Absorb 3% of damage dealt as HP

Healthy V : 260% HP

Active Power

Heavy Bolts

[Heavy Projectiles I: Add: 10% Knock Down, 10% Mount Rear, 10% Dismount / 15% Unblockable / 15% Cut Through from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Ranger I: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 115% ] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 5

[Heavy Projectiles II: Add: 20% Knock Down, 20% Mount Rear, 20% Dismount / 30% Unblockable / 30% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Heavy Projectiles III: Add: 40% Knock Down, 40% Mount Rear, 40% Dismount / 40% Unblockable / 40% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Heavy Projectiles IV: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 60% Unblockable / 60% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5

[Ranger III: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 150% ] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Heavy Projectiles V: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 70% Unblockable / 70% Cut Through / AoE: 40dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7


the Epitome of ranged combat

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Marksman Tier 1 Example Marksman Tier 2 Example Marksman Tier 3 Example Marksman Tier 4 Example Marksman Tier 5 Example Marksman Tier 6 Example
Formation Ranged


Simple Short Bow


Bodkin Arrows


Bodkin Arrows


Passive Power

Passive Power

Ranger I: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 115%

Fleet Footed III: Max Speed Multiplier: 135%

Ranger II: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 130%

Ranger III: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 150%

Ranger IV: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 180%

Fleet Footed V: Max Speed Multiplier: 165%

Ranger V: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 200%

Active Power

Precision Strike

[Explosive Projectiles I: AoE: 50dmg in 3m from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Heavy Hitting III: 150.0% dmg] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 5

[Explosive Projectiles II: AoE: 60dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Explosive Projectiles III: AoE: 70dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Explosive Projectiles IV: AoE: 80dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5

[Heavy Hitting V: 250.0% dmg] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Projectiles V: AoE: 100dmg in 5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7


like archer, but more space between the ears

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
HeavyArcher Tier 1 Example HeavyArcher Tier 2 Example HeavyArcher Tier 3 Example HeavyArcher Tier 4 Example HeavyArcher Tier 5 Example HeavyArcher Tier 6 Example
Formation Ranged


Simple Short Bow


Bodkin Arrows


Bodkin Arrows


Rabblam Noble Two Handed Scimitar
Passive Power

Passive Power

Healthy I: 115% HP

Vampiric I: Absorb 1% of damage dealt as HP

Healthy II: 140% HP

Healthy III: 180% HP

Healthy IV: 220% HP

Vampiric II: Absorb 3% of damage dealt as HP

Healthy V : 260% HP

Active Power

Heavy Bolts

[Heavy Projectiles I: Add: 10% Knock Down, 10% Mount Rear, 10% Dismount / 15% Unblockable / 15% Cut Through from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Ranger I: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 115% ] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 5

[Heavy Projectiles II: Add: 20% Knock Down, 20% Mount Rear, 20% Dismount / 30% Unblockable / 30% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Heavy Projectiles III: Add: 40% Knock Down, 40% Mount Rear, 40% Dismount / 40% Unblockable / 40% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Heavy Projectiles IV: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 60% Unblockable / 60% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5

[Ranger III: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 150% ] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Heavy Projectiles V: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 70% Unblockable / 70% Cut Through / AoE: 40dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7


generally good at everything

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Skirmisher Tier 1 Example Skirmisher Tier 2 Example Skirmisher Tier 3 Example Skirmisher Tier 4 Example Skirmisher Tier 5 Example Skirmisher Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Infantry


Rabblam Noble Two Handed Scimitar


Nekenia Throwing Spear


Nekenia Throwing Spear
Passive Power

Passive Power

Retribution I: Reflect 10% damage

Healthy II: 140% HP

Retribution II: Reflect 20% damage

Retribution III: Reflect 30% damage

Retribution IV: Reflect 40% damage

Healthy IV: 220% HP

Retribution V: Reflect 50% damage

Active Power

Skirmishers Squalor

[Knock Down I: Add: 10% Knock Down] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Shatter Shield II: 25% Shatter Shield] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Knock Down II: Add: 20% Knock Down] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Knock Down III: Add: 30% Knock Down] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Knock Down IV: Add: 40% Knock Down] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Shatter Shield IV: 50% Shatter Shield] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Knock Down V: Add: 50% Knock Down] requires CLASS LEVEL 7



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Berzerker Tier 1 Example Berzerker Tier 2 Example Berzerker Tier 3 Example Berzerker Tier 4 Example Berzerker Tier 5 Example Berzerker Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Infantry


Felling Axe
Passive Power

Passive Power

Fragile I: 50% HP

Heavy Hitting III: 150.0% dmg

Fragile II: 60% HP

Fragile III: 70% HP

Fragile IV: 80% HP

Heavy Hitting IV: 200.0% dmg

Fragile V: 90% HP

Active Power

Berzerker Rage

[Shrug Off I: 10% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Cut Through I: 20% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Shrug Off II: 25% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Shrug Off III: 40% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Shrug Off IV: 60% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Cut Through IV: 65% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Shrug Off V: 80% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Mallet Man


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Mallet Man Tier 1 Example Mallet Man Tier 2 Example Mallet Man Tier 3 Example Mallet Man Tier 4 Example Mallet Man Tier 5 Example Mallet Man Tier 6 Example
Formation Infantry


Vultur War Mace
Passive Power

Passive Power

Fireblade I: Swing Speed Multiplier: 115% Melee: +25

Fleet Footed II: Max Speed Multiplier: 120%

Fireblade II: Swing Speed Multiplier: 130% Melee: +50

Fireblade III: Swing Speed Multiplier: 150% Melee: +100

Fireblade IV: Swing Speed Multiplier: 170% Melee: +100

Fleet Footed IV: Max Speed Multiplier: 150%

Fireblade V: Swing Speed Multiplier: 200% Melee: +100

Active Power


[Cut Through I: 20% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Shrug Off II: 25% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Cut Through II: 35% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Cut Through III: 50% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Cut Through IV: 65% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Shrug Off IV: 60% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Cut Through V: 75% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 7


Mike Tysons ancestors

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Boxxer Tier 1 Example Boxxer Tier 2 Example Boxxer Tier 3 Example Boxxer Tier 4 Example Boxxer Tier 5 Example Boxxer Tier 6 Example
Formation Infantry
Passive Power

Passive Power

Healthy I: 115% HP

Fleet Footed IV: Max Speed Multiplier: 150%

Healthy II: 140% HP

Healthy III: 180% HP

Healthy IV: 220% HP

Fleet Footed V: Max Speed Multiplier: 165%

Healthy V : 260% HP

no block: AI Block Chance: 0%

always attack: AIDecideOnAttackChance: 1000%

Active Power

Mike tyson

[Explosive Melee I: AoE: 60dmg in 1m from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Shrug Off IV: 60% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Explosive Melee II: AoE: 71dmg in 1m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Explosive Melee III: AoE: 70dmg in 2m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Explosive Melee IV: AoE: 80dmg in 2m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Shrug Off V: 80% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Melee V: AoE: 80dmg in 3m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 7



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Cavalry Tier 1 Example Cavalry Tier 2 Example Cavalry Tier 3 Example Cavalry Tier 4 Example Cavalry Tier 5 Example Cavalry Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Cavalry


Jagged Fine Steel Spear


Mogrian Iron Shield


Nekenia Throwing Spear


Yan Lord Horse
Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount I: Mount Speed: 110% Top Speed Reach Duration: 90% Armor Torso: +20 (on mount)

Charge II: Mount Charge Damage: 180% Mount Maneuver: 130% (on mount)

Better Mount II: Mount Speed: 120% Top Speed Reach Duration: 75% Armor Torso: +40 (on mount)

Better Mount III: Mount Speed: 130% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Charge IV: Mount Charge Damage: 350% Mount Maneuver: 180% (on mount)

Better Mount V: Mount Speed: 150% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 120% (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 130% (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 140% (on mount)

Active Power


[Charge AoE I: AoE: 25dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Imposing Mount: Scale 120% (on mount)] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 7

[Charge AoE II: AoE: 50dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Charge AoE III: AoE: 75dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Charge AoE IV: AoE: 100dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Explosive Projectiles I: AoE: 50dmg in 3m from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Charge AoE V: AoE: 100dmg in 4m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 7



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Camalry Tier 1 Example Camalry Tier 2 Example Camalry Tier 3 Example Camalry Tier 4 Example Camalry Tier 5 Example Camalry Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Cavalry




Nekenia Throwing Spear


Nekenia Throwing Spear


Pack Camel
Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount I: Mount Speed: 110% Top Speed Reach Duration: 90% Armor Torso: +20 (on mount)

Charge II: Mount Charge Damage: 180% Mount Maneuver: 130% (on mount)

Better Mount II: Mount Speed: 120% Top Speed Reach Duration: 75% Armor Torso: +40 (on mount)

Better Mount III: Mount Speed: 130% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Charge IV: Mount Charge Damage: 350% Mount Maneuver: 180% (on mount)

Better Mount V: Mount Speed: 150% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 120% (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 130% (on mount)

Imposing Mount: Scale 140% (on mount)

Active Power

Camel Rampage

[Charge AoE I: AoE: 25dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Fireblade II: Swing Speed Multiplier: 130% Melee: +50] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Charge AoE II: AoE: 50dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Charge AoE III: AoE: 75dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Charge AoE IV: AoE: 100dmg in 2m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Fireblade V: Swing Speed Multiplier: 200% Melee: +100] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Charge AoE V: AoE: 100dmg in 4m from Charge] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Horse archer


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Horse archer Tier 1 Example Horse archer Tier 2 Example Horse archer Tier 3 Example Horse archer Tier 4 Example Horse archer Tier 5 Example Horse archer Tier 6 Example
Formation Horse Archer


Simple Short Bow


Light Bolts


Light Bolts


Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount I: Mount Speed: 110% Top Speed Reach Duration: 90% Armor Torso: +20 (on mount)

Ranger II: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 130%

Better Mount II: Mount Speed: 120% Top Speed Reach Duration: 75% Armor Torso: +40 (on mount)

Better Mount III: Mount Speed: 130% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Ranger IV: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 180%

Better Mount V: Mount Speed: 150% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Active Power

Explosive Arrows

[Explosive Projectiles I: AoE: 50dmg in 3m from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Ignore Armor I: Ignore 10% Armor] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Explosive Projectiles II: AoE: 60dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Explosive Projectiles III: AoE: 70dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Explosive Projectiles IV: AoE: 80dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Ignore Armor II: Ignore 25% Armor] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Projectiles V: AoE: 100dmg in 5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Spitting Camel


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Spitting Camel Tier 1 Example Spitting Camel Tier 2 Example Spitting Camel Tier 3 Example Spitting Camel Tier 4 Example Spitting Camel Tier 5 Example Spitting Camel Tier 6 Example
Formation Horse Archer


Simple Short Bow


Bodkin Arrows


Bodkin Arrows


Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount I: Mount Speed: 110% Top Speed Reach Duration: 90% Armor Torso: +20 (on mount)

Ranger II: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 130%

Better Mount II: Mount Speed: 120% Top Speed Reach Duration: 75% Armor Torso: +40 (on mount)

Better Mount III: Mount Speed: 130% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Ranger IV: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 180%

Better Mount V: Mount Speed: 150% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Active Power

Explosive Attitude

[Heavy Projectiles I: Add: 10% Knock Down, 10% Mount Rear, 10% Dismount / 15% Unblockable / 15% Cut Through from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Fireblade II: Swing Speed Multiplier: 130% Melee: +50] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Heavy Projectiles II: Add: 20% Knock Down, 20% Mount Rear, 20% Dismount / 30% Unblockable / 30% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Heavy Projectiles III: Add: 40% Knock Down, 40% Mount Rear, 40% Dismount / 40% Unblockable / 40% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Heavy Projectiles IV: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 60% Unblockable / 60% Cut Through / AoE: 25dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Fireblade IV: Swing Speed Multiplier: 170% Melee: +100] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Heavy Projectiles V: Add: 50% Knock Down, 50% Mount Rear, 50% Dismount / 70% Unblockable / 70% Cut Through / AoE: 40dmg in 1.5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Giant Cavalry


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Giant Cavalry Tier 1 Example Giant Cavalry Tier 2 Example Giant Cavalry Tier 3 Example Giant Cavalry Tier 4 Example Giant Cavalry Tier 5 Example Giant Cavalry Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Cavalry




Yan Lord Horse
Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount I: Mount Speed: 110% Top Speed Reach Duration: 90% Armor Torso: +20 (on mount)

Fireblade II: Swing Speed Multiplier: 130% Melee: +50

Better Mount II: Mount Speed: 120% Top Speed Reach Duration: 75% Armor Torso: +40 (on mount)

Better Mount III: Mount Speed: 130% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Fireblade IV: Swing Speed Multiplier: 170% Melee: +100

Better Mount V: Mount Speed: 150% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

tiny mount: Scale 50% (on mount)

Imposing iii: Scale 200%

Active Power


[Explosive Melee I: AoE: 60dmg in 1m from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Heavy Hitting II: 125.0% dmg] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Explosive Melee II: AoE: 71dmg in 1m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Explosive Melee III: AoE: 70dmg in 2m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Explosive Melee IV: AoE: 80dmg in 2m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Heavy Hitting IV: 200.0% dmg] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Melee V: AoE: 80dmg in 3m with from Melee] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Looter Stole a Horse


Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Looter Stole a Horse Tier 1 Example Looter Stole a Horse Tier 2 Example Looter Stole a Horse Tier 3 Example Looter Stole a Horse Tier 4 Example Looter Stole a Horse Tier 5 Example Looter Stole a Horse Tier 6 Example
Formation Light Cavalry


Agama Rock


Agama Rock


Agama Rock


Mogrian Iron Shield


Yan Lord Horse
Passive Power

Passive Power

Better Mount IV: Mount Speed: 140% Top Speed Reach Duration: 50% Armor Torso: +80 (on mount)

Ranger V: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 200%

Charge V: Mount Charge Damage: 500% Mount Maneuver: 200% (on mount)

Ranger V: AI Shoot Frequency: 200% AI Wait Before Shoot Factor: 50% Ranged: 200%

Imposing iii: Scale 200%

Ignore Armor III: Ignore 70% Armor

Healthy V : 260% HP

Active Power


[Explosive Projectiles I: AoE: 50dmg in 3m from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Retribution II: Reflect 20% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Explosive Projectiles II: AoE: 60dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Explosive Projectiles III: AoE: 70dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Explosive Projectiles IV: AoE: 80dmg in 4m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Retribution IV: Reflect 40% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Explosive Projectiles V: AoE: 100dmg in 5m with from Ranged] requires CLASS LEVEL 7



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Dwarf Tier 1 Example Dwarf Tier 2 Example Dwarf Tier 3 Example Dwarf Tier 4 Example Dwarf Tier 5 Example Dwarf Tier 6 Example
Formation Infantry


Vultur War Mace
Passive Power

Passive Power

Shatter Shield I: 10% Shatter Shield

Shrug Off II: 25% Shrug Off

Shatter Shield II: 25% Shatter Shield

Shatter Shield III: 40% Shatter Shield

Shatter Shield IV: 50% Shatter Shield

Shrug Off IV: 60% Shrug Off

Shatter Shield V: 65% Shatter Shield / 5% Cut Through

tiny: Scale 85%

Active Power

Bloodmark Armor

[Retribution I: Reflect 10% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Vampiric II: Absorb 3% of damage dealt as HP] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Retribution II: Reflect 20% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Retribution III: Reflect 30% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Retribution IV: Reflect 40% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Vampiric III: Absorb 5% of damage dealt as HP] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Retribution V: Reflect 50% damage] requires CLASS LEVEL 7



Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5 Tier 6
Giant Tier 1 Example Giant Tier 2 Example Giant Tier 3 Example Giant Tier 4 Example Giant Tier 5 Example Giant Tier 6 Example
Formation Heavy Infantry


Passive Power

Passive Power

Healthy I: 115% HP

Heavy Hitting III: 150.0% dmg

Healthy II: 140% HP

Healthy III: 180% HP

Healthy IV: 220% HP

Heavy Hitting IV: 200.0% dmg

Healthy V : 260% HP

Imposing i: Scale 140%

Imposing ii: Scale 170%

Imposing iii: Scale 200%

Active Power

Giant Tantrum

[Cut Through I: 20% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 1 TO 2

[Shrug Off II: 25% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 2 TO 4

[Cut Through II: 35% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 3

[Cut Through III: 50% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 4

[Cut Through IV: 65% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 5 TO 6

[Shrug Off IV: 60% Shrug Off] requires CLASS LEVEL 6 TO 7

[Cut Through V: 75% Unblockable] requires CLASS LEVEL 7

Common Config


Sub Boost


Multiplier applied to all rewards for subscribers (less or equal to 1 means no boost). NOTE: This is only partially implemented, it works for bot commands only currently.


Start With Full Health


Whether the hero will always start with full health
Start Health Multiplier


Amount to multiply normal starting health by, to give heroes better staying power vs others
Start Retinue Health Multiplier


Amount to multiply normal retinue starting health by, to give retinue better staying power vs others
Morale Loss Factor (not implemented)


Reduces morale loss when summoned heroes die
Summon Cooldown In Seconds


Minimum time between summons for a specific hero
Summon Cooldown Use Multiplier


How much to multiply the cooldown by each time summon is used. e.g. if Summon Cooldown is 20 seconds, and UseMultiplier is 1.1 (the default), then the first summon has a cooldown of 20 seconds, and the next 24 seconds, the 10th 52 seconds, and the 20th 135 seconds. See for a visualization of this.
Retinue Use Heroes Formation


Whether an adopted heroes retinue should spawn in the same formation as the hero (otherwise they will go into default formations)


Allow Death


Whether an adopted hero is allowed to die
Final Death Chance Percent


Final death chance percent (includes vanilla chance)
Apply Death Chance To All Heroes


Whether to apply the Death Chance changes to all heroes, not just adopted ones
Retinue Death Chance Percent


Retinue death chance percent (this determines the chance that a killing blow will actually kill the retinue, removing them from the adopted hero's retinue list)


Use Raw XP


Use raw XP values instead of adjusting by focus and attributes, also ignoring skill cap. This avoids characters getting stuck when focus and attributes are not well distributed.
Raw XP Skill Cap


Skill cap when using Raw XP. Skills will not go above this value. 330 is the vanilla XP skill cap.

Kill Rewards

Gold Per Kill


Gold the hero gets for every kill
XP Per Kill


XP the hero gets for every kill
XP Per Killed


XP the hero gets for being killed
Heal Per Kill


HP the hero gets for every kill
Retinue Gold Per Kill


Gold the hero gets for every kill their retinue gets
Retinue Heal Per Kill


HP the hero's retinue gets for every kill
Relative Level Scaling


How much to scale the kill rewards by, based on relative level of the two characters. If this is 0 (or not set) then the rewards are always as specified, if this is higher than 0 then the rewards increase if the killed unit is higher level than the hero, and decrease if it is lower. At a value of 0.5 (recommended) at level difference of 10 would give about 2.5 times the normal rewards for gold, xp and health.
Level Scaling Cap


Caps the maximum multiplier for the level difference, defaults to 5 if not specified

Battle End Rewards

Win Gold


Gold won if the heroes side wins
Win XP


XP the hero gets if the heroes side wins
Lose Gold


Gold lost if the heroes side loses
Lose XP


XP the hero gets if the heroes side loses
Difficulty Scaling On Players Side


Apply difficulty scaling to players side
Difficulty Scaling On Enemy Side


Apply difficulty scaling to enemy side
Difficulty Scaling


End reward difficulty scaling: determines the extent to which higher difficulty battles increase the above rewards (0 to 1)
Difficulty Scaling Min


Min difficulty scaling multiplier
Difficulty Scaling Max


Max difficulty scaling multiplier

Kill Streaks

Name Kills Required Reward
Killing Spree 5



Name Requirements Reward
Blood for the Blood God

Total Kills >= 5000

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Blood Gods {ITEMNAME} (4x)


Total Kills >= 500

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Bloodsport {ITEMNAME} (1x)

Bloodsport 2

Total Kills >= 2500

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Bloodsport 2{ITEMNAME} (3x)

Class level 6


Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Tier 6 {ITEMNAME} (1x)


Battles >= 250

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Dedicated{ITEMNAME} (4x)

Immortal Knowledge

Total Deaths >= 100



Summons >= 50



Item: Weapon: 100% Custom: 100% {=IvV04W31}{ITEMNAME} of Fealty (2x)


Attacks >= 5


Item: Armor: 100% Tier 2: 33%, Tier 3: 33%, Tier 4: 33%


Summons >= 5


Item: Armor: 100% Tier 5: 100%


Attacks >= 50



Item: Weapon: 100% Custom: 100% {=UQtSgnog}Renegades {ITEMNAME} (2x)


Attacks >= 100

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Sigma {ITEMNAME} (3x)


Summons >= 100

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Reward {ITEMNAME} (3x)

Stream Sniper

Total Streamer Kills >= 5

Item: Weapon: 100% Custom: 100% {=xI41h8NA}Stream Sniper {ITEMNAME} (3x)


Attacks >= 20


Item: Armor: 100% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Traitorous {ITEMNAME} (2x)


Summons >= 20


Item: Weapon: 100% Custom: 400% {=W47g8bCB}Reliable {ITEMNAME} (2x)

Viewer Killer

Total Viewer Kills >= 20

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Tier 6: 100%

viewer slayer

Total Viewer Kills >= 50

Item: Weapon: 50%, Armor: 50% Custom: 100% {=W47g8bCB}Viewer Slayer {ITEMNAME} (3x)

Tournament Config


Start Health Multiplier


Amount to multiply normal starting health by
Disable Kill Rewards In Tournament


Heroes won't get any kill rewards in tournaments
Disable Tracking Kills Tournament


Tournament kills / deaths won't be counted towards achievements or kill streaks


No Horses


Remove horses completely from the BLT tournaments (the horse AI is terrible)
No Spears


Replaces all lances and spears with swords, because lance and spear combat is terrible
Normalize Armor


Replaces all armor with fixed tier armor, based on Culture if possible (tier specified by Normalized Armor Tier below)
Normalize Armor Tier


Armor tier to set all contenstants to (1 to 6), if Normalize Armor is enabled
Randomize Weapon Types


Randomizes the weapons used in each round, weighted based on the classes of the participants


Previous Winner Debuffs


Skill or skill group to modifer (all skills in a group will be modified)
Skill Reduction Percent Per Win


Reduction to the skill per win (in %). See for visualization of how skill will be modified.
Floor Percent


The lower limit (in %) that the skill(s) can be reduced to.
Applies skill debuffers to previous tournament winners

Round Type

Round 1 Type


Allow the vanilla round setup
1 Match 4 Teams


Allow 1 match with 4 teams of 4
2 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 2 matches with 2 teams of 4
2 Matches 4 Teams


Allow 2 matches with 4 teams of 2
4 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 4 matches with 2 teams of 2
4 Matches 4 Teams


Allow 4 matches with 4 teams of 1
8 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 8 matches with 2 teams of 1
Round 1 Type
Round 2 Type


Allow the vanilla round setup
1 Match 2 Teams


Allow 1 match with 2 teams of 4
1 Match 4 Teams


Allow 1 match with 4 teams of 2
2 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 2 matches with 2 teams of 2
2 Matches 4 Teams


Allow 2 matches with 4 teams of 1
4 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 4 matches with 2 teams of 1
Round 2 Type
Round 3 Type


Allow the vanilla round setup
1 Match 2 Teams


Allow 1 match with 2 teams of 2
1 Match 4 Teams


Allow 1 match with 4 teams of 1
2 Matches 2 Teams


Allow 2 matches with 2 teams of 1
Round 3 Type

Round Rewards

Round 1 Rewards
Win Gold


Gold won if the hero wins thier match in the round
Win XP


XP given if the hero wins thier match in the round
Lose XP


XP given if the hero loses thier match in a round
Round 1 Rewards
Round 2 Rewards
Win Gold


Gold won if the hero wins thier match in the round
Win XP


XP given if the hero wins thier match in the round
Lose XP


XP given if the hero loses thier match in a round
Round 2 Rewards
Round 3 Rewards
Win Gold


Gold won if the hero wins thier match in the round
Win XP


XP given if the hero wins thier match in the round
Lose XP


XP given if the hero loses thier match in a round
Round 3 Rewards
Round 4 Rewards
Win Gold


Gold won if the hero wins thier match in the round
Win XP


XP given if the hero wins thier match in the round
Lose XP


XP given if the hero loses thier match in a round
Round 4 Rewards


Win Gold


Gold won if the hero wins the tournaments
Win XP


XP given if the hero wins the tournaments
Participate XP


XP given if the hero participates in a tournament but doesn't win

Reward Type

Weapon Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be weapons. This includes all one handed, two handed, ranged and ammo.
Armor Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be armor
Mount Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be mounts

Reward Tier

Tier 1 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 1
Tier 2 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 2
Tier 3 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 3
Tier 4 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 4
Tier 5 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 5
Tier 6 Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Tier 6
Custom Weight


Relative proportion of rewards that will be Custom (Tier 6 with modifiers as per the Custom Reward settings below)
Winners prize


Enable Betting


Enable betting
Betting On Final Only


Only allow betting on the final betting